


Diploma in Equine Training and Coaching


10+ years professional experience with children and animals

Dog walker and Animal Carer

Riding for the Disabled Association Australia

Childcare Educator and Education Aid

Equestrian Vaulting Coach

Leah has long had a strong passion for working with animals.

From a young age she found in them a source of comfort and joy that fostered a sense of connection to the natural world.

During the early days of her career, Leah noticed that the conventional methodologies of equine training were having negative effects on the wellbeing on the horses around her. Leah knew that there had to be a better way. Positive reinforcement training had shown higher benefits for the emotional state of canines; thus, it would only be natural for its principles to carry over to equine practice.

Leah soon discovered a community of positive reinforcement practicing equine trainers and the world’s first accredited Diploma in Equine Training and Coaching.

Leah’s passion now lies in helping others foster empathic, empowered and meaningful connections with the animals in their lives. And through those connections a better understanding of their companions and the natural world at large.